

Rの金利期間構造パッケージ termstrc


これを活用して、何かしているのかがあまり見つけられないパッケージ。こちらGitHub - datarob/termstrc: The R package offers a wide range of functions for term structure estimation based on static and dynamic coupon bond and yield data sets. The implementation focuses on the cubic splines approach of McCulloch (1971, 1975) and the Nelson and Siegel (1987) method with extensions by Svensson (1994), Diebold and Li (2006) and De Pooter (2007). We propose a weighted constrained optimization procedure with analytical gradients and a globally optimal start parameter search algorithm. Extensive summary statistics and plots are provided to compare the results of the different estimation methods. Several demos are available using data from European government bonds and yields.も非常に寂しい限り

Journal of Statistical SoftwareからZero-Coupon Yield Curve Estimation with the Package termstrcが出ており、パッケージの詳しい説明が書かれているので、本気で使いたい場合は一読が必要

fBonds、YieldCurveと比較して、クーポン債にも適用できる、Cubicスプラインによる推定ができる、adjusted Svenssonモデルも適用できる、Rcpp使っている、その他、有用な関数が入っている、ということがtermstrcの特徴になっている





> data(gobbonds)
> class(govbonds)
[1] "couponbonds"

> str(govbonds$GERMANY)
List of 8
 $ ISIN        : chr [1:52] "DE0001141414" "DE0001137131" "DE0001141422" "DE0001137149" ...
 $ MATURITYDATE: Date[1:52], format: "2008-02-15" "2008-03-14" ...
 $ ISSUEDATE   : Date[1:52], format: "2002-08-14" "2006-03-08" ...
 $ COUPONRATE  : num [1:52] 0.0425 0.03 0.03 0.0325 0.0413 ...
 $ PRICE       : num [1:52] 100 99.9 99.8 99.8 100.1 ...
 $ ACCRUED     : num [1:52] 4.09 2.66 2.43 2.07 2.39 ...
 $ CASHFLOWS   :List of 3
  ..$ ISIN: chr [1:384] "DE0001141414" "DE0001137131" "DE0001141422" "DE0001137149" ...
  ..$ CF  : num [1:384] 104 103 103 103 104 ...
  ..$ DATE: Date[1:384], format: "2008-02-15" "2008-03-14" ...
 $ TODAY       : Date[1:1], format: "2008-01-30"

> ns_res <- estim_nss(govbonds, c("GERMANY", "AUSTRIA", "FRANCE"),
+ matrange = c(0, 30), method = "ns", tauconstr = list(c(0.2, 5, 0.1), c(0.2, 5, 0.1), c(0.2, 5, 0.1)))
[1] "Searching startparameters for  GERMANY"
    beta0     beta1     beta2      tau1 
 5.132836 -1.274357 -3.208435  2.700100 
[1] "Searching startparameters for  AUSTRIA"
    beta0     beta1     beta2      tau1 
 5.050193 -1.327244 -2.629411  2.500100 
[1] "Searching startparameters for  FRANCE"
    beta0     beta1     beta2      tau1 
 5.108886 -1.217795 -3.068065  2.500100 

> summary(ns_res)
Goodness of fit:

                    GERMANY   AUSTRIA   FRANCE   
RMSE-Prices         0.3582276 0.1801092 0.2214637
AABSE-Prices        0.1992019 0.1224709 0.1182047
RMSE-Yields (in %)  0.0847062 0.0185987 0.0392355
AABSE-Yields (in %) 0.0498615 0.0155659 0.0275024


        beta0    beta1    beta2    tau1    
GERMANY  5.13284 -1.27436 -3.20844  2.70010
AUSTRIA  5.05019 -1.32724 -2.62941  2.50010
FRANCE   5.10889 -1.21779 -3.06807  2.50010

Convergence information:

        optim() convergence info
GERMANY                        0
AUSTRIA                        0
FRANCE                         0

        optim() solver message
GERMANY NULL                  
AUSTRIA NULL                  
FRANCE  NULL               


パラメータを推定して、その時系列推移を見るという場合に結構使えるかもしれない。 ustycパッケージを使って、米国債イールドデータに適用してみる


maturities <- c(1/12, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30)
yc <- getYieldCurve(year = "2014")
yields <- as.matrix(yc$df[-12])
dates <- rownames(yields)
datazeroyields <- zeroyields(maturities, yields, dates)


> datazeroyields
This is a data set of zero-coupon yields.
Maturities range from 0.0833333333333333 to 30 years.
There are 250 observations between 2014-01-02 and 2014-12-31 .
> class(datazeroyields)
[1] "zeroyields"
> plot(datazeroyields)


ns_res <- estim_nss(datazeroyields, "ns", tauconstr = c(0.2, 6, 0.1))


> ns_res
Estimated Nelson/Siegel parameters:

Number of oberservations: 250 

     beta_0          beta_1           beta_2           tau_1      
 Min.   :2.826   Min.   :-4.350   Min.   :-5.656   Min.   :1.024  
 1st Qu.:3.358   1st Qu.:-3.853   1st Qu.:-4.890   1st Qu.:1.284  
 Median :3.698   Median :-3.634   Median :-4.343   Median :1.381  
 Mean   :3.674   Mean   :-3.601   Mean   :-4.392   Mean   :1.388  
 3rd Qu.:3.953   3rd Qu.:-3.313   3rd Qu.:-3.988   3rd Qu.:1.485  
 Max.   :4.476   Max.   :-2.801   Max.   :-2.575   Max.   :1.668  

> summary(ns_res)
Goodness of fit:
RMSE-Yields (in %)  0.0334253
AABSE-Yields (in %) 0.0277030

Convergence information from optim ():
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
     [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14] [,15] [,16] [,17] [,18] [,19]
[1,]     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0> head(param(ns_res)[[1]])
       beta_0    beta_1    beta_2    tau_1
[1,] 4.471780 -4.345616 -5.655850 1.545545
[2,] 4.476129 -4.349701 -5.596621 1.545772
[3,] 4.447632 -4.340263 -5.538249 1.561728
[4,] 4.421710 -4.323720 -5.432554 1.570774
[5,] 4.420168 -4.326042 -5.409182 1.511038
[6,] 4.380350 -4.294240 -5.321058 1.522402

Nelson-Siegelモデルならば、パッケージの使用例に書かれているtauconstrを指定すればよいが、Svensson、adjusted Svenssonだとoptimのところで収束しない、もしくは、パラメータの推定値がおかしな場合があるので、変えた方がよい


> plot(param(ns_res))
> fcontrib(param(ns_res), index = 1, m = 1:30, method = "ns")




