




# zero coupon bond price and yield under Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model
# Args:
#   kappa : speed of reversion
#   mu    : long term mean level
#   sigma : instaneous volatility
#   r0    : current short rate
#   t     : current time
#   T     : bond maturity
# Return:
#   data.frame of maturity, bond price and yield
CIRZCBond <- function(kappa, mu, sigma, r0, t, T) {
  tau <- T - t
  h <- sqrt(kappa^2 + 2 * sigma^2)
  B <- 2 * (exp(tau * h) - 1) / (2 * h + (kappa + h) * (exp(tau * h) - 1))
  A <- ((2 * h * exp((kappa + h) * tau / 2)) / (2 * h + (kappa + h) * 
       (exp(tau * h) - 1)))^(2 * kappa * mu / sigma^2)
  P <- A * exp(-B * r0)
  Y <- ifelse(tau != 0, -log(P) / tau, r0)
  data.frame(maturity = tau, price = P, yield = Y)


kappa <- 0.2
mu <- 0.015
sigma <- 0.02
r0 <- 0.001
t <- 0
T <- c(1/12, 1/4, 1/2, 1:10, 15, 20, 30)


> CIRZCBond(kappa, mu, sigma, r0, t, T)
      maturity     price       yield
1   0.08333333 0.9999070 0.001116021
2   0.25000000 0.9996640 0.001344234
3   0.50000000 0.9991617 0.001677218
4   1.00000000 0.9976916 0.002311055
5   2.00000000 0.9931024 0.003460729
6   3.00000000 0.9866763 0.004471087
7   4.00000000 0.9787842 0.005361026
8   5.00000000 0.9697338 0.006146732
9   6.00000000 0.9597787 0.006842082
10  7.00000000 0.9491268 0.007458982
11  8.00000000 0.9379476 0.008007653
12  9.00000000 0.9263789 0.008496884
13 10.00000000 0.9145324 0.008934236
14 15.00000000 0.8537373 0.010542117
15 20.00000000 0.7940308 0.011531650
16 30.00000000 0.6846598 0.012627772



r0 <- c(0, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.03)
tl <- length(T)
irate <- c(rep(r0[1], tl), rep(r0[2], tl), rep(r0[3], tl), rep(r0[4], tl), rep(r0[5], tl))
y1 <- CIRZCBond(kappa, mu, sigma, r0[1], t, T)
y2 <- CIRZCBond(kappa, mu, sigma, r0[2], t, T)
y3 <- CIRZCBond(kappa, mu, sigma, r0[3], t, T)
y4 <- CIRZCBond(kappa, mu, sigma, r0[4], t, T)
y5 <- CIRZCBond(kappa, mu, sigma, r0[5], t, T)
df <- data.frame(irate = factor(irate), rbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5))
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = maturity, y = yield, colour = irate)) +
geom_line(size = 1.2) + theme_economist() + scale_colour_economist()


VasicekモデルとCIRモデルの形を見ての通り、sigma CIR * sqrt(mu) = sigma Vasというようにすれば、ボラティリティの部分がある程度近似されるので、モデルの違いによる価格を比較する場合にはパラメータを調整してセットしてあげればよい
